Getting started
In the raid dashboard go to the "RAIDS" tab and click the "Create Raid" button. The Create Raid form will appear.
In the raid dashboard go to the "RAIDS" tab and click the "Create Raid" button. The Create Raid form will appear.
Populating the form
Give the Raid a title and description you can use to identify it.
Add the URL for the Tweet you wish to have raided.
Select which actions are required for a user to receive a reward. (Blue check requires the raider to be a verified X user)
Select a Reward Type and populate the appropriate fields.
Choose 'Use Bank' to use the bank feature to save on gas costs.
Click "Create" to create the Raid.
If you are on multiple teams in FlipSuite, be sure you are in the proper teams profile to set up the Raid. The Team is displayed in the bottom left.
Reward Pools
See Reward Pools for information on creating Reward pools for Raiding and other modules.
Reward Multipliers
To incentivize quality raiding, you can:
Multiply rewards for uses with a verified X account.
Multiply rewards based on user roles in your server.
Multiply rewards based on followers on X.
Use settings too:
Set the Discord Channel for Raid announcements.
Set account age and X restictions for raiders.
And Ban specific X accounts.