There are so many things you can do with Flipsuite!
Access your crypto directly in Discord. Win NFTs in Raffles, swap tokens on a dex, win on-chain tokens in games. All from your chat!
Just type /start in a server that supports Flipsuite!
or read more below...
Check up on all things Flipsuite by using /profile!!!
balance. - shows the token balance for all your wallets.
bank. - shows tokens that are available to collect.
inventory. - shows NFT's in your Flipwallet by chain.
settings. - allows you to customize settings (more coming soon).
full profile - shows your profile on the Flipsuite dashboard.
Your Flipwallet and You
Your Flipwallet is an on-chain wallet attached to your Discord ID
All rewards and tips from Flipsuite will go to your Flipwallet.
Any tips, raffles, or airdrops you create a distributed from your Flipwallet.
use /withdraw token or /withdraw nft to move assets from you Flipwallet to a personal wallet.
Connect wallets for Gating and set up 2fa security for your account.
Use in DMs
You can interact with Flipsuite directly in your DMs!
Flipsuite will DM you with updates.
You can use slash commands in the DM chat.
Or use the blue 'Commands' button on the bottom right.
Flipsuite Goes Global
Add Flipsuite as a User Install App and use it in any server, DM's, and group chats. Tip your friends and more, globally.
Some Available Global Commands
Try it yourself to see all accessible commands!
Important: Using Flipsuite in servers that do not have the app installed require the Use External Apps channel permission to be enabled (it's enabled by default) and must allow commands as usual.
Depending on each server config, Flipsuite commands may show up hidden or may not be available to use.
Be careful not to spam Flip in servers unaware of this feature.
To Enable: In the Member list bar, click on the Flipsuite App and then click the +Add App button.