Set a channel to display distributed rewards for users to check.
Create the channel you would like to use and give permissions for users to view.
Go to the Flipsuite Admin channel in your server (More info here, If you don't see it)
Navigate to the gating settings by clicking on settings. > modules. > raiding.> channels.
Select the channel you would like to use.
Channel Permissions
In the channel you created, make sure Flipsuite has the following permissions enabled:
View Channel â
Send Messages â
Embed Links â
Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles â
Read Message History â
Announce from Discord
Use /raid announce and select a created raid to publish it to a separate channel. Users can now interact with the raid if they have permissions to view the channel.
Announce from the Dashboard
Once your Discord channels are created, you can announce Raids directly from the dashboard in the Actions column using the bullhorn icon.