Server Economy Example
Use Battleground, Shop Roles, and you Referral Code to generate income
Find your Referral Code on you Dashboard. You will receive 20% of all future payments made to FlipGuard by users who signed up with your code.
Create several Battleground Arena channels that are Discord Role Gated. For example a "Free" channel (@verified or @holder role required), a "Bronze" channel (@Bronze role required), and "Silver" and "Gold" channels also with roles required.
On your Dashboard set up the Rewards for your Battleground channels with higher tiers receiving higher rewards. Rewards can be NFTs, Tokens, or teaser roles for higher level channels.
Create an Intro Channel which includes:
Your Referral Code link with a message to tell users to sign up for their FlipWallet.
The pinned Role Shop
/shop pin.
A message advising holders that they can purchase Battleground Auto-Joins on the Dashboard.
Advertise your new Battleground League!
You will need to balance your economy such that the rewards are worth the holder investment. Use part of the returns to fund future rewards.
All Shop purchases will go to your wallet, while you will receive 20% of Auto-Joins purchases made by users from your referral code.
Last updated