If Flipsuite isn't in your server yet, invite it here.
Flipsuite should ask for these permissions on installation.
However, you may need to ensure that Flipsuite has permission in specific channels to:
Send Messages
Manage Channels
Embed Links
Attach Files
Use External Emoji
Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles
Read Message History
In Server Setting> Roles drag Flipsuite above any roles that you want it to interact with.
Use Server Settings> Integrations for detailed control of channels and roles that Flipsuite can interact with.
User Permissions:
Users/roles will at least need permissions in the channels you want Flipsuite to be available:
Send Messages
Read Message History
Use Application Commands
Flipsuite is growing rapidly some aspects of the video series may be out of date. See these docs for the most recent info!
Installing Modules
Modules are like lego blocks, designed to be plugged into the Flipsuite basic installation and used to create incredibly dynamic and advanced reward/revenue systems directly in Discord.
Activate your server on the web dashboard
Continue here after completing the Basic Installation above.
Note: The account that connects the server will be the primary owner. See the Adding Team Members section to set team permissions.
Syncing your server is easy, just follow these steps:
Login to Flipsuite's dashboard (connect as your Discord user).
You can also go to the settings for your server by clicking "MANAGE".
In Discord, use the /setup command in any channel and click 'Launch'. Note that you need Admin permissions to run /setup.
This will create a new FLIPSUITE category and a channels for admin that only you can access (you may want to add your team role to this channel).
This category will likely be created at the bottom of you category list. Drag it to where you would like it.
The /setup command will only need to be run once.
In the admin channel you will have access to the admin panel.
To load a new module click 'set up modules'.
To adjust settings for existing modules click 'settings'.
Click 'set up modules'.
Select the module you want to configure and follow the steps.
After modules have been setup, use 'settings' to manage the installed modules. More information on settings is available in the wiki for each module.
The 'tipping.' button allows you to configure settings for a team tipping wallet.