😎Be A Power User

Hints and tips for Flipsuite users

Vote for free rewards
  • Use /vote and get rewarded for supporting Flipsuite!

Refer friends and earn!
  • Send your referral link and earn a percentage of every purchase made by your referral!

Auto Join Battlegrounds/ place Bounties on your friends
  • Use /battleground menu to set autojoins and for instructions on bounties.

Secure your Dashboard
Install Flipsuite as an App!
  • Tip friends in servers that don't have Flipsuite installed!

Find Flipsuite Communities
Check your Bank
  • Use /bank, you might have rewards you don't know about!

Generate AI Images
  • Use /gen and the /gen menu to make and share AI images!

  • Look for server AI games!

⚠️Images in your personal gallery will be deleted after 365 days! You will need to download these images if you wish to keep them.

Propose Battleground Phrases
Look for Reward Multipliers
  • Many servers have multipliers for Raiding rewards depending on the roles you hold!

Look for Shops Roles
Look for Purchase rewards
  • Look for servers that have chances for rewards for NFT purchases!

Last updated