If using token gating you first need to add tokens to gate with. On the dashboard, go to Gating.
Click "ADD TOKEN", and set up the details for your tokens.
If you have multiple teams, be sure to select the proper team in the lower left pulldown.
Setting up Gating Rules
On the dashboard under the 'Rules' tab, click "ADD RULE".
Select Token, X, or Custom Gating Rules. You can mix and match.
Token Gating Rules
Use token gating to gate based on help tokens or NFT's.
In the Pop-up select 'Token Gating Rule' and click CREATE
Select a Role from your server.
Select a Token (set up in step 1).
Set the Minimum amount.
Contact Flipsuite if you need to set up staking locked tokens through a premium subscription.
X Gating Rule
There are a variety of options for the gating
Require user to have a minimum account age.
Require user to have a minimum of followers.
Require user to follow one or multiple accounts.
Require user to subscribe to one or multiple accounts.
Custom Gating Rules
Project devs can create an endpoint for their dapp and use it to gate with basically anything. This can be used for things like:
Server points level validation.
Membership level validation.
Experience point thresholds.
Time-based access controls.
To validate each user's eligibility for the role, our system will trigger the endpoint you have set with a POST request which contains both role and user details each time a user refreshes their roles.
Your endpoint should return either a numeric value (for attributes like points, score or exp in your app) or a boolean value denoting whether the role should be granted or not, if you prefer to check the condition on your own backend.