Discord Commands

Flipsuite Commands


/Setup #Admin Only: Set up Flipsuite in the server! Usage: /setup

Core Commands

/Balance View your token balance. Usage: /balance (Chain) (Token) (Public)

/Bank View your bank balance. Usage: /bank

/Deposit Deposit funds to your Flipwallet via QR code. Usage: /deposit [Token] [Amount]

/Flipwallet-of #Admin Only: Check Flipwallet address of another user or group of users. Usage: /flipwallet-of [User-or-role] [Chain]

/Flipwallet Check your Flipwallet address. Usage: /flipwallet [Chain]

/Profile Check your profile. Usage: /profile

/Start Learn how to use Flipsuite. Usage: /start

/Supported-tokens Check all chains/tokens supported by Flipsuite. Usage: /supported-tokens [Chain]

/Vote Vote for Flipsuite and get rewards! Usage: /vote

/Grant-temp-role #Admin Only: Grant temporary role to another user. Usage: /grant-temp-role [User] [Role] [Duration]

/Inventory View your NFT inventory. Usage: /inventory (Chain)

Withdraw commands

/Withdraw token Withdraw supported tokens from your Flipwallet. Usage: /withdraw token [Token] [Amount] [Recipient]

/Withdraw custom Withdraw not supported tokens from your Flipwallet. Usage: /withdraw custom [Chain] [Address] [Amount] [Recipient]

/Withdraw nft Withdraw NFTs from your Flipwallet. Usage: /withdraw nft [Chain] [Nft] [Amount] [Recipient]


/Battleground menu Open battleground menu. Usage: /battleground menu

Battleground-bounty commands

/Battleground-bounty custom Create bounty that keeps track of the winner but does not initiate a transaction. Usage: /battleground-bounty custom [User] [Description]

/Battleground-bounty role Create bounty that will grant winner a role. Usage: /battleground-bounty role [User] [Role] (Duration)

/Battleground-bounty token Create token bounty. Usage: /battleground-bounty token [User] [Token] [Amount]

/Battleground-bounty nft Create NFT bounty. Usage: /battleground-bounty nft [User] [Chain] [Nft] (Amount)

Battleground commands

/Battleground host #Admin/Team Only: Host a Battleground arena in this channel. Usage: /battleground host (Countdown) (Min-players) (Start-on-min-players) (Automated) (Ping-role) (Required-role) (Template)

/Battleground start #Admin/Team Only: Start pending Battleground arena in this channel if it exists. Usage: /battleground start

/Battleground cancel #Admin/Team Only: Cancel pending Battleground arena in this channel. Usage: /battleground cancel


/Swap Swap tokens. Usage: /swap [Token-to-sell] [Amount] [Token-to-buy]


/Gen Generate an image from a prompt. Usage: /gen [Prompt]

/Gen-menu Open gen menu . Usage: /gen-menu


/Raid announce #Admin/Team Only: Announce raid in the current channel. Usage: /raid announce [Raid] (Ping-role)


/Airdrop token Create token airdrop in the current channel. Usage: /airdrop token [Token] [Amount] [Countdown] (Comment) (Anonymous) (Max-enters) (Allowed-users) (Forbidden-users) (Count) (Delay)

/Cancel Cancel an airdrop, a raffle, or a repeating tip. Usage: /cancel [Type]

Raffle commands

/Raffle token Create token raffle in the current channel. Usage: /raffle token (Forbidden-users) (Count) (Delay)

/Raffle role Create role raffle in the current channel. Usage: /raffle role [Role] [Countdown] (Duration) (Comment) (Anonymous) (Max-enters) (Max-winners) (Allowed-users) (Forbidden-users) (Count) (Delay)

/Raffle nft Create NFT raffle in the current channel. Usage: /raffle nft [Chain] [Nft] [Amount] [Countdown] (Comment) (Anonymous) (Max-enters) (Allowed-users) (Forbidden-users)

/Raffle custom Create custom raffle in the current channel. Usage: /raffle custom [Prize] [Countdown] (Comment) (Anonymous) (Max-enters) (Max-winners) (Allowed-users) (Forbidden-users) (Count) (Delay)

Tip Commands

/Tip token Send tokens to another user. Usage: /tip token [Recipients] [Token] [Amount] (Comment) (Anonymous) (Count) (Delay)

/Tip nft Send NFT to another user. Usage: /tip nft [Recipient] [Chain] [Nft] (Amount) (Comment) (Anonymous)


Track-listings commands

/Track-listings start #Admin Only: Track NFT listings from your collection. Usage: /track-listings start [Name] [Chain] [Collection] [Channel] (Template)

/Track-listings stop #Admin Only: Stop listings tracker. Usage: /track-listings stop [Tracker]

Track-sales commands

/Track-sales start #Admin Only: Track NFT sales from your collection. Usage: /track-sales start [Name] [Chain] [Collection] [Channel] (Template) (Reward-pool)

/Track-sales stop #Admin Only: Stop sales tracker. Usage: /track-sales stop [Tracker]

Last updated